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Get a Free Square Data Health Report

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Your Square data might be missing vital information...

Did you know that Square, by default, can't connect a customer who paid with a contactless method with an existing record?

This means that every contactless payer might be counted as a net new customer in your records, even if they're your most loyal customer ever.

If you're a data-driven restauranteur or marketer that's trying to drive more insights and growth from your Square data, it starts with making sure your data is correct to begin with.

Brightloom has been the customer intelligence platform for brands all around the world, and we've seen it all when it comes to Square data.

For a limited time, we're offering to help any Square customer by doing a full audit of your data for free.

If it sounds like a lot of work - it's not. We have a simple integration that lets us gather the data without any work on your end, so don't wait and schedule your free report today!

Bonus: if you're interested in learning more about how to use your Square data better, check out our guide on the "3 Mistakes With Your Square Data That's Killing Your Marketing"